Team for Early Childhood Solutions

Center for Disability Resources
A University Center for Excellence
The University of South Carolina -
School of Medicine,
Department of Pediatrics

This page copyright 2006, The University of South Carolina.
Please forward any comments or questions about this web site to Steven Wilson,

About TECS

TECS is contracted by South Carolina's BabyNet system through federal grant monies from the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) to manage the comprehensive system of personnel development (CSPD) and to provide training & technical assistance to the early intervention system. This includes all system personnel (providers of special instruction, service coordination, therapy services -PT,OT,SP, etc.), as well as families, family support systems, and community program providers.

SC First Steps BabyNet is South Carolina's system of early intervention under Part C, PDF version (224 K) of the IDEA, PDF version (433 K) (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act). This system serves infants and toddlers with disabilities and developmental delays and

Our project resides at Center for Disability Resources which is a University Center for Excellence (UCEDD), within The University of South Carolina - School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics. The CDR is a member of the Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD), a non-profit organization that promotes and supports the national network of university centers on disabilities, which includes University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research, and Service (UCEDD). For more information please visit the AUCD Website or the Administration on Developmental Disabilities (ADD) Website.

TECS provides information and resources that promote congruence of federal law, state policy, evidence-based practices, and service delivery. This focus is supported through the following kinds of activities:

  • Researching and reviewing professional literature related to early  intervention
  • Generating research in topics of interest to early intervention providers
  • Disseminating evidence-based practice information and resources
  • Contributing to development of early intervention communities of learning
  • Developing training modules & resources in multiple formats including on-site workshops, multiple-day institutes, self-paced workbooks & CDs, and other electronic media.
  • Coordinating technical assistance events including workshops, clinical seminars,
    and conferences
  • Presenting to state and national professional and parent organizations
  • Supporting the Center for Disability Resources Library to ensure that holdings reflect current research and recommended practice in early intervention
  • Assisting the state's early intervention system in ensuring that personnel are appropriately and adequately prepared and trained
  • Publishing technical assistance documents

TECS assists in assuring that South Carolina's early intervention personnel meet state standards by maintaining and reviewing applications for the South Carolina BabyNet Credential. View and print the instructions for the application here. View and print the application here.
Questions regarding the credential? Please contact Lisa Henry, (803) 935-5227, e-mail lisa.henry@uscmed.sc.edu .

TECS also maintains a listserv, TECSINFO, which provides information on training opportunities, current research & recommended practices, meetings and the like.
Subscribe to the listserv.

BabyNet System Personnel Credential

What is the BabyNet System Personnel Credential?

This credential confirms that holder is an early intervention professional who meets the personnel standards established by South Carolina’s Part C early intervention system.  To view the South Carolina BabyNet Personnel Qualifications by System Role, see Table 1a of the BabyNet Policy and Procedure Manual available at http://uscm.med.sc.edu/tecs/table1personnelquals.pdf .

Why is a BabyNet Credential important?

Regulations to Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) require that:

  1. Early intervention services meet State standards ((303.12(a)(4)),
  2. Early intervention services are provided by qualified personnel ((303.12) (a)(3)(ii)), and
  3. Statewide systems have policies and procedures related to personnel standards ((303.361(b)).

Furthermore, this federal law defines “qualified” to mean “…that a person has met State approved or recognized certification, licensing, registration, or other comparable requirements that apply to the area in which the person is providing early intervention services” (303.22).

Who is required to hold a BabyNet System Personnel Credential?

Professionals must have a BabyNet Credential if they are:

(a)     Employed by a facility or agency that contracts to provide BabyNet early intervention services, and

(b)     Seeing children who are eligible for BabyNet services, and

(c)     Named on the Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) as someone who will deliver BabyNet services.

 How can you obtain a BabyNet System Personnel Credential?

TECS is responsible for assisting the lead agency of South Carolina’s Part C early intervention system in ensuring that the State is in compliance with requirements of federal law related to personnel qualifications.   TECS fulfills this responsibility by maintaining and reviewing applications for the BabyNet System Personnel Credential.  To obtain a credential:

1. Read the application instructions.
      2. Complete the application form.
      3. Mail, fax or e-mail your signed application to TECS.


Download Application Instructions

Download Application Form


Providing that you meet South Carolina’s early intervention personnel standards, you will receive your provisional BabyNet System Personnel Credential by mail from TECS.   Information about Part C Credential Renewal is available hereQuestions about the application process can be directed to Lisa Henry, (803) 935-5227, e-mail lisa.henry@uscmed.sc.edu .


Contact Information

Lily Nalty, Director
(803) 935-7522 /

Evaluation & Research
Dr. Lesly Wilson, Evaluation & Research Coordinator
(803) 935-5217 / lesly.wilson@@uscmed.sc.edu

Instructional Design/Technical Assistance
Stephanie Hicklin, Instructional Design/Technical Assistance and Training Specialist
(803) 448-6091 / stephanie.hicklin@uscmed.sc.edu

Lisa Henry, Technical Assistance and Training Specialist
(803) 935-5227 / lisa.henry@uscmed.sc.edu

Data Mangement
Renee Sewell, Data Specialist
(803) 935-5392 / renee.sewell@uscmed.sc.edu


Directions to TECS: Come into the main entrance of the Midlands Center from Farrow Road; this is Azalea Avenue. Azalea Avenue curves toward the right; stay on Azalea Avenue (you will pass a sign for the Center for Disability Resources on the left side of the road). Continue approximately 100 yards and TURN LEFT into the next parking lot. This is the parking area for the Education Building. Enter the door on the left end of the building. TECS will be the first office on the left (Room 1). See Map to TECS.

Directions to the Collaborative Training Center: Come into the main entrance of the Midlands Center from Farrow Road; this is Azalea Avenue. Turn left at Crepe Myrtle Lane. Follow Crepe Myrtle Lane until you see signs for the Collaborative Training Center Parking Area. The building will be on your left.
See Map to Training Center.

Midlands Center Campus Map, PDF version (354 K)

Frequently Asked Questions

Coming Soon

State and National Disability Web Sites

These links provide information on a sampling of both national and state resources regarding children with disabilities and their families. Students, families, and professionals working with children and families will find hours of study available through these sites.

Statewide Disability-Related Web Sites

National Disability-Related Web Sites

Statewide Disability-Related Web Sites

Center for Disability Resources Library: http://uscm.med.sc.edu/CDR/index.asp

BabyNet: http://www.scfirststeps.org/babynet.html

South Carolina Assistive Technology Project: www.sc.edu/scatp

The South Carolina Commission for the Blind: http://www.sccb.state.sc.us/

SC Dept. of Disabilities & Special Needs: http://www.state.sc.us/ddsn/

SC Human Services Providers (DDSN): www.sc211.org/index.php?option=com_babynet#

Pro Parents: http://www.proparents.org/

Family Connection of SC: http://www.familyconnectionsc.org/

SC Department of Social Services: http://www.state.sc.us/dss/

SC School for the Deaf and Blind: http://www.scsdb.k12.sc.us/

Center for Disability Resources: http://uscm.med.sc.edu/cdrhome/


Chapters of the Arc in South Carolina: http://www.thearc.org/NetCommunity/Page.aspx?&pid=329


Protection and Advocacy for People with Disabilities, Inc.: http://www.protectionandadvocacy-sc.org/


South Carolina Autism Society: http://www.scautism.org/


South Carolina Chapter of the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: http://www.scaaidd.org/


South Carolina Developmental Disabilities Council: http://www.scddc.state.sc.us/


National Disability-Related Web Sites

Part C of IDEA 2004: http://www.nectac.org/partc/partc.asp

Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) http://www.ed.gov/about/offices/list/osers/osep/index.html

Early Childhood Outcomes Center (ECO) http://www.fpg.unc.edu/~eco/

IDEA Resources: http://idea.ed.gov

Council for Exceptional Children: http://www.cec.sped.org//AM/Template.cfm?Section=Home

National Parent Information Network: http://ceep.crc.uiuc.edu/eecearchive/books/fte/npin.html

National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities (NICHCY): http://www.nichcy.org/

Mid-South Regional Resource Center (MSRRC): http://www.rrfcnetwork.org/msrrc

Waisman Center: http://www.waisman.wisc.edu/index.html

Family Village: http://www.familyvillage.wisc.edu/

University and Educational Disability Resources: http://www.makoa.org/education.htm

Center for Community Inclusion: http://www.ccids.umaine.edu/
Info on postsecondary education

National Center for the Dissemination of Disability Research: http://www.ncddr.org/

Administration on Developmental Disabilities: www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/add


Center for Evidence-Based Practice: Young Children with Challenging Behavior: http://challengingbehavior.fmhi.usf.edu/


Division for Early Childhood (DEC) of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC): http://www.dec-sped.org/


IDEA Child Find Project: http://www.childfindidea.org/


National Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center: http://www.hdi.uky.edu/SF/NECTC/Home.aspx  


National Early Childhood Transition Center: http://www.ihdi.uky.edu/nectc/


The Arc of the United States: www.thearc.org/page.aspx?pid=2530


TRACE: Tracking, Referral and Assessment Center for Excellence: http://www.tracecenter.info/


Zero to Three: http://www.zerotothree.org/site/PageServer?pagename=homepage


TECS Projects


Allied eHealth Resource Network

TECS has created a network for allied health providers to address their specific needs in providing services within the Part C system. The mission of the network is to develop an infrastructure for providers in the BabyNet system, supporting:

  • Dissemination of information & resources, training, and technical assistance,
  • Knowledge related to IDEA Part C, professional guidelines, and evidence- based recommendations for pediatric practice.

The targeted outcomes for the eHealth Network are as follows:

  • To increase access to accurate and useable information, resources, training, and technical assistance supports for team members in the Part C system, beginning with the topic of “natural environments,”
  • To provide information that assists team members to align practice with IDEA Part C, professional, and evidence-based recommendations, beginning with the natural environments requirement,
  • To increase use of services that are aligned with Part C, professional, and evidence-based recommendations in delivery of services for young children and their families,
  • To promote program evaluation, research, and development of evidence-based practices for young children and their families,
  • To increase access to services by eligible young children and their families across all areas of the state (particularly for rural and underserved populations), by providing information to team members on such topics as alternative service delivery options (e.g., telehealth, use of paraprofessionals), and by collaborating with organizations and professionals who have similar needs, etc.

TECSnews Archives (eHealth Newsletter)

2006 Provider Survey Results

TECSnews Archives (eHealth Newsletter)

2006 Provider Survey Results

2006 Provider Survey

An informal survey of allied health professionals was conducted via the first quarterly newsletter. There were 63 of 220 possible responses. The purpose of the survey was to determine allied health providers’ perspectives on various service delivery issues. The majority of respondents (85%) felt that they implemented services in “natural environments.” Respondents most often included everyday activities, routines, or materials; followed by involving family or other team members in IFSP services, and least by using family input in development of treatment plans (see chart 2). When asked which obstacle was most challenging when implementing services in “natural environments,” respondents chose family needs most often, followed by travel, provider limitations, and least challenging as team member needs (see chart 4). Respondents reported that they would like to learn most about family-centered care, followed by collaborative consultation and cultural competence, and lastly early literacy (see chart 5). Providers indicated that the most helpful resources have included early intervention-related literature, workshops, and web sites (see chart 6).

Questions 1-6 (graphed results), PDF version (60 K)

Questions 7 (narrative results), PDF version (15 K)

As new federal and state policies and guidelines are implemented, it may be helpful to know your regional SC First Steps, BabyNet contacts. Click on the link below to access contact information for all DHEC regions.

BabyNet Regions, PDF version (25 K)


Technical Assistance Bulletins (TAB)

TECS-TAB Archive

TECS-TAB - Evaluation for Eligibility Part One, PDF version (102 K)        

TECS-TAB - Evaluation for Eligibility Part Two, PDF version (103 K)         

TECS-TAB - Curriculum-Based Assessment, PDF version (32 K)

TECS-TAB - Early Care Educators, PDF version (300 K)

The Comprehensive System of Personnel Development

Child and Family Outcomes

Part C outcomes will help measure benefits of the BabyNet system. This information will help South Carolina provide the best possible services to children and families while meeting federal reporting needs.

The Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) has set up child and family outcomes for all states.

Child Outcomes INFO

There are three Part C child outcomes, which match BabyNet system children’s development to that of children their same age. The following child outcomes are focused on children:

  • having positive social relationships,
  • acquiring and using knowledge and skills, and
  • taking appropriate action to meet their needs.

Child Outcomes Online Training

Child Outcomes Links and Documents

Data Input

Family Outcomes INFO

There are three Part C family outcomes, which measure the family’s view of help received through the BabyNet system. The following family outcomes are focused on families:

  • knowing their rights,
  • effectively communicating their children’s needs, and
  • helping their children develop and learn.

Family Outcomes Online Training

Family Outcomes Links and Documents

On-line Learning Management System, TECSBOOK 2.0

Great news! We are in the process of developing an on-line managed learning system which will address the entire array of roles within the early intervention system. This managed learning system will delineate required training modules for individual roles and will offer these on-line. Learning activities will be built into the process as well - group activities, blogging, case studies, etc. There will be interaction with other learners and with the facilitator. Follow-up technical assistance will be available as needed. This is a very exciting process for us as we will be able to reach a much larger audience in a strategic and standardized fashion. Learning needs assessment and competency testing will be incorporated into the process. The learning system will also be coordinated with the South Carolina BabyNet credentialing process so that both the individual and the system are kept current on credential status. We will keep you posted on progress. We hope to have the system up and running before the end of 2006.

TA Survey 2005

Part C Training and Technical Assistance Survey Results, 2005

If you have comments or questions please contact Lesly Wilson at lesly.wilson@uscmed.sc.ed.

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National TA Directory

Contact information is now available for Part C training and technical assistance units/providers across the United States! While conducting a national survey of T/TA providers, we collected contact information for those wishing to be included in a national directory. Only those providers who requested that they be added to the directory are listed here.

You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 or higher to read and print the document.
Get Adobe Acrobat Reader

If you have comments/questions, or you would like to add your training and technical assistance contact information to the list, please contact Lesly Wilson at lesly.wilson@uscmed.sc.ed. We would like to have every provider of Part C training and technical assistance represented in this directory.