New BabyNet Staff/Providers
SC BabyNet Part C Credential Extension Information(9Jun2011) PDF-269KB
SOUTH CAROLINA PART C Database Enrollment
What is SCEILS?
BabyNet Basics
TECSinfo Listserv
SCEILS Training Confirmation
SOUTH CAROLINA PART C Database Enrollment
BabyNet and TECS have recently revised the new hire enrollment process. TECS and BabyNet State Office have worked together to develop a new online enrollment form for all BabyNet personnel. This new form combines the information previously gathered from the credential application, provider contract application, and central directory form. We hope this new process will decrease duplication of information and help to streamline many different processes into one.
After new staff are hired or contracted to work in the BabyNet system, there are several requirements that must be completed within a brief time frame. Staff must first complete the online enrollment form. After TECS/State Office receives this form, staff will be assigned to required trainings for the credential process and for the BRIDGES data system. BabyNet State Office will follow up with contracted providers.
Step 1: BabyNet Enrollment Form
- New BabyNet personnel should complete the online BabyNet Enrollment form.
- This new form has been created to eliminate duplication of information and multiple forms. This one form captures information for the BabyNet Part C Credential, BabyNet State Office provider contract, and BabyNet Central Directory. It is also used to register new agencies/companies in BRIDGES.
- This online form replaces the Credential Application and the BabyNet Central Directory form.
Step 2: Required Training
- Based on information submitted in the BabyNet Enrollment Form, TECS will assign staff to appropriate required lessons in SCEILS ( . These lessons are related to the S.C. Part C Credential and BRIDGES.
- If you are not registered in SCEILS or have questions about training, please submit requests to the TECS Helpdesk: (subject: SCEILS)
- Staff have 90 days to obtain their S.C. Part C Credential after receiving logon instructions from TECS.
- TECS recommends staff complete BRIDGES training first to ensure timely access to the system.
Step 3: BRIDGES Access Request
- Only supervisors should submit BRIDGES Access Request forms. Forms submitted by anyone other than an approved supervisor will be denied and the appropriate supervisor will be contacted. (This link has been disseminated to supervisors.)
- Supervisors should only request BRIDGES access after they have confirmed with their staff that all required BRIDGES trainings have been completed. If TECS discovers training is incomplete, the access request will be denied. (see “Tecsbook Training Confirmation” below for instructions on checking training records in SCEILS). Also, for contracted provider you must be BabyNet approved and affiliated in the Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS) with your Agency before you can receive a BRIDGES login. CFY, interns and assistants must have a supervisor that is affiliated with the company and affiliated in MMIS under the company.
- TECS will send BRIDGES logon information directly to the appropriate supervisor/agency administrator. The supervisor/agency administrator is responsible for routing this information to their employee.
SCEILS ( is the online learning management system that contains the required modules/courses to obtain the S.C. Part C Credential. After receiving the BabyNet Enrollment form, TECS will create an account in SCEILS for the person. TECS will email the person with the SCEILS Website and his/her log in information.
BabyNet Basics is the online training course that must be completed by BabyNet personnel in order to obtain the S.C. Part C Credential. BabyNet Basics takes about 3 hours to complete. The course, BabyNet Basics, is divided into 3 Lessons; Lesson 1: Introduction to BabyNet, Lesson 2: BabyNet Service Delivery System, and Lesson 3: Introduction to the IFSP. Lesson 1 is the longest lesson, which consists of 3 smaller course units (BabyNet Beginnings, BabyNet System Components 1, and BabyNet System Components 2). At the end of each lesson, there is a 10-question test that must be successfully passed in order to complete the lesson.
After TECS receives the BabyNet Enrollment form, the enrollee’s email address will be added to the TECSINFO Listserv, which is a BabyNet requirement. Items that are crucial for all BabyNet personnel will be marked “URGENT” or “IMPORTANT” at the beginning of the subject line.
For All Users:
In order to determine if you have completed BRIDGES 101 and BRIDGES 102, log into SCEILS. It will open on the “My Courses” page. Click on the blue triangle next to BRIDGES Training.
- If a course has 0% or 50% next to it, then this course has NOT been completed yet.
- If the course has a “thumbs up” icon next to it, then this course has been successfully completed.
- Another way to determine if the courses are completed is to click on the Dashboard icon. Then, click on the “Learning” tab and click on the “Training Record” tab.
- Courses that have been completed will have a date under “Completed” and a score of 80% or more listed under “Score.”
- For courses that have not been completed, there is no score and no completion date listed.
- In order to print the Training Record, click on the small printer icon in the top right corner of the training record.
- Sometimes users only need to complete a lesson evaluation to receive credit.
For Supervisors and/or Agency Administrators:
Most supervisors and some agency administrators have Supervisor Access to SCEILS. If a user has Supervisor Access to SCEILS, clicking on the Reports icon will make several report icons and/or choices available. If a user does not have Supervisor Access, clicking on the Reports icon will open the user’s Training Record.
- For those with Supervisor Access in SCEILS, click on the “Reports” icon, click on the “User reports generator” icon, from the drop down menu select “Supervisors Report” and click “Show”. This will show all of your agency's staff.
- For a specific person, click on their name in green and then click on the Learning Tab which will open on the Courses page.
- A “thumbs up” icon next to BRIDGES 101 and BRIDGES 102 under the completed column with a score listed indicates the person has completed the course.
- A “thumbs down” icon and no score for a course indicates that it has not been completed. (It could be that they only need to complete the course evaluation.)
- Click the back button a few times to return to the Report list of staff. If that doesn’t work, click on the word Home in the upper left corner of the screen and follow the steps listed above.
- For questions regarding this process, please submit a Help Desk request (subject: Tecsbook Supervisors) (
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