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Autism Resources

It’s estimated that 70% of children with developmental disabilities and mental health problems are not identified until schoolEvery year, more than a million children with unidentified disabilities enter school with learning and health issues that put them far behind their peers.  This often has a lasting, negative effect on their ability to meet their full potential.

The BabyNet program is in place to help with the early identification of children who have a developmental delay, including autism.  BabyNet ensures that necessary services are provided in a timely manner through the early recognition of infants and toddlers at risk for development disability.   This is done by screening all children referred to the program for developmental delay, with specific autism screening for children 18 and 24 months old.

According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), autism has a prevalence rate of 1:68 children.  Identifying these children early presents an opportunity for referral to early intervention services like BabyNet.  These services assist to provide better outcomes for children and increased support for families for an impact that continues throughout the lifespan. 

Below are some resources for providers and families to assist with the early identification and intervention of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.


American Occupational Therapy Association Autism Resources  
American Speech and Hearing Association Autism Resources  
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Autism Resources  
BabyNet FAQ: Autism Spectrum Disorder Guidelines
BabyNet Service Guidelines:  Autism Spectrum Disorders  
CDC Autism Case Training: A Developmental Behavioral PediatricsCurriculum (CE Version)
Center for Disease Control (CDC) Learn the Signs Act Early
CDC Milestones for 18 Months    
CDC Milestones 24 Months
Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (M-CHAT) Information  
National Institute of Mental Health- Autism Spectrum Disorders
Physical Therapy as a Treatment for Autism   


100 Day Tool Kit for Newly Diagnosed Children and Families  
A Parent’s Guide to Autism Spectrum Disorders  
Autism Treatment Network  
Autism Screening using Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (M-CHAT) puzzle
Autism Speaks  
BabyNet Service Guidelines:  Autism Spectrum Disorders
CDC Milestones for 18 Months Old  
CDC Milestones 24 Months Old  
SC Autism Society   
SC Department of Disabilities and Special Needs- Autism Division  
Therapies for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder:  A Review of The Research For Parents and Caregivers 



If you have any questions or comments about this site, please email kerri.wikel@uscmed.sc.edu.